So, here I am yet again! For someone who is new to this blog, you should know that this is my return after a long sabbatical, or rather a lazy escape! It is exactly four years since I started this blog and two years since I last posted. Why did I not post for half the time of its existence is a IMG_1105question even I am trying to answer! A lot has happened over these years, when I published my first blog on Ooty in Jan 2012, I probably did not even dream of getting lucky to travel as much as I have today. The bug had just bitten then and the infection was only taking over. But soon, yours truly was diagnosed with severe Latitude Sickness™, a condition similar to that of Altitude Sickness, only that this happens when you don’t move along the latitude! (Yes, my damn brain just coined that word to define my disorder!) And since then I have been trying to get a cure whenever possible! The search for medication has taken me from my little village almost at sea level to upto 5,359m high up on the Himalayas and to many places in between those levels across a handful of countries! Today, as I make this relaunch, I am still happily infected and I hope to continue the search for the cure! Let’s trip!

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So you wanna know who’s behind all this mess! Well, a huge thanks before going ahead!

and about me? hehehe.. you asked for it!! (evil grin)!!773640_4932285901548_826626298_o

When I was born, may be the clouds parted, sky opened and a board hung out, “Sorry, No replacement!”

Later, the troublesome child grows up into a troublesome guy! 😛 first at Bethany High School, Nellyady & later at St. Aloysius, Mangalore, trying hard to woe that pretty classmate and fighting the cobra in algebra, before failing miserably in both! 😦

After almost being strangled by that integration sign, look where I ended…

Graduates with a mechanical engineering degree from Nitte, rather automatically! 😛 Yes, I am one of those many guys who ended up in an engineering college despite of doing inky-pinky-pony to answer the entrance exam,  without knowing that engineering degrees are subject to market risks!

and the random transition period.. growing into a resposible youth.. oscillating between ground state and excited state @ unaccounted frequency.. !!!

.. Engineer(?)>>Work>>Movie buff>>Shutter bugged>>Travel bug bites (in a secret place!)>>change of work>>Music>>Cricket>>Foreign Language>>Foodie>>Travel>>Photography and moving towards attaining Nirvana, you know I am joking!

Music, Travel, Sweets, Movies, Adventure, anything that’s horror or suspense are few of the many things I love! Think ten times before arguing with me about MS Dhoni, I can kill for Dhoni! If you dont believe then try & get him to hire me! 😛

I believe that daily life should be about choice, freedom and adventure; it should be lived with the same enthusiasm and intrepid spirit as a holiday. I enjoy being like a kid in a candy store. I enjoy seeing things for the first time and try to see them like first time on every next time. I enjoy history, food, fashion and culture. Isn’t it fun partying until late night and getting up early to witness a glorious sunrise ? 😉 Needless to say, there is something about being out of my element where i feel the most free, the most in love with life, and the most happy.

I love being on the move and exploring all those wonderful places on this magnificent planet. “Once the travel bug bites there is no known antidote, and I know that I shall be happily infected for the rest of my life,” says Michael Palin, the English comedian. I would have not gone to the antidote even if one existed 😛


What’s fun witnessing a glory all alone? So I decided to bring it to all you who share the same genes!). I jolted down all my travel experiences, framed the photos I clicked onto it and voila.. it became a blog?!!

Care to give a thumbs up on my Facebook page, I promise not to populate your wall with updates!

Do you want to know anything on the places that I have been? or assistance in planning a trip? then write to me!

or simply give me your advises and views about Trippin’ On Life™ . I value your words!

and if you think this guy’s a major blogger lacking publicity then just print the URL on your t-shirt! well not really, but please go ahead and share it. Blog or Tweet or Facebook or even SMS! This is a non-profit making blog so far and someday if it does any then I shall share it with you! (T, top secret!)

and if you think this is simply e-b*** s**t then all you have to do is compel your neighbor or colleague to see how badly this thing is done, so that you both can tell the other two and you have a lunch table discussion topic!

and wait, I forgot this page was ABOUT ME, duh! Well, the name is Sam, Samson Joseph. tishyoooo! 😀

To summarize, it’s all about capturing the moment in its beauty, and telling a story to every beautiful moment. But even though I write in the most perfect language I know and click the best possible photograph that I can, it would still not do any justice to the beauty of the place. The great traveller Marco Polo himself said, “I have only told the half of what I saw!”, what more could a mere me do!

Come, join Trippin’ On Life™, Celebrate the journey! B)

59 thoughts on “ABOUT ME

  1. Visha says:

    This is the most interesting ‘About Me’ I have read so far…tishyooooo..how I loved that word 😆

    And and and, I think most of my life’s hours are going to be saved going forward, I will just come here and plan the next family outing instead of wasting my time, by talking and discussing and looking into the internet to schedule a good trip 😀 😀


    • Trippin' On Life says:

      😛 that was more compliments than I could possibly expect! 🙂 thanks a ton! I would be the happiest if my scribblings helped or inspired (or is it called spoilt?) someone! Do share ur travel tales!

      and and and, since u have loved the tishyoooo, handing u over the gun too! 🙂 🙂 🙂 ¡Buen viaje!


    • Trippin' On Life says:

      and I shall make sure you have some more new ones to read everytime you reach the last one! 😛
      Thanks a lot for coming over to my blog, Smitha 🙂 and have a great English Summer! 🙂 Trip On!

  2. Pooja says:

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  3. Anne Campagnet-Reed says:

    Hello, Sam,
    Thanks for visiting/liking. I love your enthusiasm for travel. Your photos are magnificent, and deserve awards. Thanks for sharing the beautiful countryside of India. Keep travelling!

  4. Suze says:

    “fighting the cobra in algebra, before failing miserably in both!” HAHAHA man, I laughed so hard when I read this.. Totally describes me. Thanks for following and the likes. Love the pictures on here (is that your care –> banner?) It’s gonna take me some time to read through your; I am looking forward to it though! Greetings! 🙂

  5. Uday Narayanan says:

    Never come across an ‘about me’ page so full of energy as this one, Sam 🙂 A lovely travel bog with some amazing landscape pictures!

  6. simplyseemakr says:

    Came here to chk on ur blog on dudh sagar..n stumbled upon ur intro..Must say tats one bit of an impressive intro….cheers 😀

  7. TravelHolicGirl says:

    Hey there 🙂
    I was thinking of going to India End of April- 1st week of May, thought of going to Delhi, Jaipur and Agra, but i need help to add a more Indian flavor to it,, wanna have the real Indian experience, and do some hiking or any interesting activities. It is gonna be a 2 weeks trip…recommendations? thoughts? knowing that it is my very first time

    • Trippin' On Life says:

      Whoa! that’s a great news, I only wish I was in India too! 🙂 well, off the three cities that you have planned, I have been only to Delhi but I can definitely help you plan one! I have left u an email 🙂

Rotten eggs or Rose bouquets!? Here u throw!